The Best Adaptogen in the World | Amazing Reishi

Reishi mushroom is one of the world’s most powerful herbal adaptogens. This mushroom has been used exhaustively in Traditional Chinese Medicine for various disorders and disease in the body.  In fact, ancient Chinese healers would often refer to this powerful adaptogen as “The Mushroom of Immortality.”

Considered a tonic herb in the Chinese Medicine system, Reishi mushroom is considered safe to take daily. That being said, there are several health benefits that can arise when taking Reishi daily.  However, before we get into this health benefits, let’s first discuss what an “adaptogen” is and why it’s so important in today’s world.

What is an Adaptogen?

An adaptogen is substance that naturally enhances the body’s ability to cope with stress.  It also negates the negative side effects associated with stress.

Stress has been shown to be a major influence in the development in several different diseases in the body (1).  While diet plays an extremely important role in protecting from various degenerative diseases, excessive amounts of stress can sometimes cause unwanted symptoms in the body despite how “perfect” the individuals diet may be.

As result, following a healthy whole foods diet in combination with taking adaptogenic herbs is extremely useful for protecting the body against various stress related diseases.

With that said, the following is a small list of health benefits that are typically seen when adaptogens are consumed regularly:

Reduced Stress Levels
Improvements in Anxiety and Depression
Better outlook on life
Improved sleep patterns
Protection from stress related disease
Improved Bowel Movements (less stressed)
More energy
Increase in Stamina and Strength
Increases Longevity
Although this is just a small list of health benefits, it’s not uncommon to experience almost all, if not every single one these benefits when a high quality adaptogen is added into the diet.

Herbs vs. Dietary Supplements

Adaptogens come in both herbal and supplement form.  It’s highly recommended that you avoid supplements as they are typically synthetic and created in a lab.  In fact, there are no studies showing the safety or long term effects these synthetic supplements have on the body.

Research published in the Chemistry Central Journal found that many dietary supplements contained extremely high levels of both Arsenic and Cadmium (2).  It’s for this reason that herbal adaptogens are recommended over synthetic supplements. Furthermore, synthetic supplements do not contain the right balance of elements and constituents as found in herbal adaptogens.  Most man-made supplements are completely useless and unusable by the body.  

adaptogen herbs

Furthermore, stay away from herbs that are “standardized.”  The standardization of an herbal adaptogen results in unnaturally high levels of a particular substance contained within the herb.  Unfortunately, this disrupts the herbs natural balance and alters the herbs chemistry significantly. Consequently, this can cause unwanted side effects in the body if taken long term.

For this reason, all herbal adaptogens should be extracted in their whole form so that the natural chemistry is not disrupted.  Taking herbs in their whole form will yield the best possible effects in the body while limiting the amount of negative side effects.

Why Herbal Adaptogens are Needed Today

Herbal adaptogens are an absolute must for anyone living in today’s world.  Despite the rise in technology, our lives have become more hectic and more stressed filled than ever before.  Our ancestors never experienced the amount of long term stress which many of us face on a daily basis.

It’s this long term stress that takes its toll on the body and eventually leads to disease down the road if not corrected.  Taking an herbal adaptogen in combination with a whole foods diet is the best possible way to naturally reduce stress levels in the body.

If you find that you’re constantly stressed and that you lack the inability to relax, it may be beneficial to introduce an herbal adaptogen into your diet.  However, diet should always be addressed first and then adaptogens can be added as needed.

Reishi Mushroom a Powerful Adaptogen

There are various herbal products that can be taken in order to reduce the effects of stress and increase the body’s threshold to deal with stress more effectively.  When an herb has these stress reducing effects on the body, it can naturally protect against the formation of disease influenced by an overabundance of stress.

With that being said, no other herb or mushroom can quite compare to the adaptogenic properties present in Reishi mushroom.  In fact, those who take Reishi mushroom daily protect themselves from various forms of cancer and degenerative disease in the body (3).

Research published in Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects showed that patients who took a Reishi mushroom extract reported reduced stress levels and an overall better quality of life (4).

reishi adaptogen

It’s for this reason that many who are under immense amounts of stress and/or anxiety can benefit tremendously by incorporating Reishi mushroom into their daily diet.  Furthermore, due to its ability to reduce stress in the body, it can naturally improve sleep hygiene and can increase deep restorative sleep (5).

Also, those suffering from adrenal fatigue should seriously consider adding a Reishi mushroom supplement into their diet. Its ability to help those suffering from burnt out adrenals is unsurpassed when compared to any other herbal substance.

Many are amazed out how well Reishi lowers stress levels in the body that they soon become lifelong users of this amazing mushroom.  Also, unlike pharmaceutical drugs, Reishi is completely natural and extremely gentle and forgiving on the body.

Lastly, as well as being a potent adaptogen and protecting the body from stress, Reishi has the ability to enhance the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body (6).


Herbal adaptogens are a great way to protect the body against the negative effects that stress.  Most adaptogens help lower stress levels naturally in the body and increase the body’s coping mechanisms to deal with stress more effectively.

As well as being stress reducing, adaptogens also protect against various form of degenerative disease.  Although there are many herbal adaptogens, Reishi mushroom is highly regarded in Chinese Medicine and is considered to be the number one herb in the whole Chinese Medicine system.  No other herbal adaptogen on the planet can quite stack up to the health benefits of Reishi Mushroom.  It’s for this reason that Reishi mushroom is considered beneficial for almost any health condition described in Chinese Medicine.