The Top 10 Medicinal Mushrooms for Health | Amazing Reishi

Medicinal mushrooms are one of the most regenerative and healing foods on the planet.  Mushrooms have been used for centuries by ancient healers in order to promote balance and equilibrium in the body.  Traditional Chinese Medicine is famous for using various mushroom decoctions in order to treat various organs and promote longevity in the body.

Unfortunately, most of this information has become lost and very few are aware of the potent healing properties contained in various medicinal mushrooms.  In fact, the longest lived groups of people almost always included some type of fungus in their diet.

The Okinawa’s of Japan were famous for using Maitake mushroom extensively in many of their dishes. Furthermore, Russian Serbians were well documented in their use of Chaga Mushroom in various stews, as well as tea.   Also, ancient Chinese emperors would frequently send “mushroom hunters” out into the wild in order to find Reishi mushroom.

For those looking to incorporate more traditional foods into their diet, medicinal mushrooms are a great place to start.  They have been used for centuries by our ancestors and have a proven track record of being both safe and effective. 

Below is a list of the top 10 best medicinal mushrooms on the planet!

1. Reishi – Mushroom of Immortality

Easily one of the most powerful medicinal mushroom in all of existence, Reishi mushroom possess potent immune modulating and longevity enhancing substances.  Ancient Chinese Emperors would often have those in possession of Reishi put to death.  This mushroom was strictly to be used by royalty only and was often referred to as “The Mushroom of Immortality.”

Luckily, this mushroom is now widely available to most of the population.  Typically this mushroom is used in order enhance the immune system and reduce stress in the body.

Research published in Mediators of Inflammation found that Reishi mushroom contains potent anti-inflammatory properties and can effectively modulate the immune system (1).   Immune system modulation is crucial in today’s world since the majority of the population has a dysfunctional immune system. Reishi has the ability to effectively bring balance to an immune system which may be running too high, or too low, making it a great option for those with autoimmune conditions.

As well as containing powerful immune modulation properties, Reishi is also a powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral.  Studies show that Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi mushroom) inhibits candida biofilms and has higher anti-candida activity than ascorbic acid (2). 

reishi health benefits

Many suffering from various digestive disorders such as IBS, Chron’s, ulcerative colitis, and leaky gut, have all been shown to have an overgrowth of various candida species in their gut (3).  As a result, anyone suffering from any of these conditions could benefit tremendously by taking Reishi mushroom daily.

Furthermore, those looking to protect themselves from various forms of cancer should seriously consider Reishi.  It’s been well documented that Reishi mushroom can enhance the immune system in those with advanced stages of cancer (4).

A whole book could be written on the benefits of this amazing medicinal mushroom.  However, for the sake of this post, we will keep it short.  With that said, for those who want to learn more about Reishi Mushroom, be sure to use the search tool on this website!

2. Chaga Mushrooms

Right behind Reishi in its ability to bring equilibrium and health to the body, Chaga is an amazing medicinal mushroom that can’t be ignored.  As mentioned before, ancient Serbians frequently used this mushroom in both their cooking and beverages.  They claimed this mushroom helped them adapt to long hard winters in Russia and kept them healthy.  Many of these Serbians were well documented living into their 100’s.  This is extremely impressive considering the environment in which they were living in.

Regardless, the immune modulating properties of Chaga mushroom are extremely powerful and beneficial for the human body.  In fact, superherb and superfood expert David Wolfe claims that an entire immune system can be rebuilt in 6 months with Chaga Mushroom.

chaga health benefits

Research published in World Journal of Gastroenterology found that Chaga mushroom has therapeutic effects in the body such as anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and protection of the liver.  It was also shown that Chaga mushroom is effective at combating various digestive system diseases and cancers (5).

Furthermore, the standard American diet (SAD), overuse of antibiotics, and processed foods has taken a serious toll on the health of the general population.  Millions are suffering from digestive disorders and disease that seriously comprise their overall health.

Luckily, research has revealed that Chaga helps protect DNA against oxidative damage in patients with IBD and has powerful anti-inflammatory effects in the body (6).

3. Maitake

Maitake, also known as Hen of the Woods, has a lot of scientific research backing its anti-cancer effects in the body.  As mentioned before, Okinawans of Japan used this mushroom extensively in all of their cooking.  It should be noted that these Okinawans are some of the longest lived people to ever be documented; some reaching up to 120 years of age!

As well as being full of vital nutrients, Maitake contains an abundance of medicinal properties that benefit the human body tremendously.  In particular, Maitake contains a long chain sugar called Polysaccharides. Unlike short chain sugars which burn extremely fast and are not good for the body, polysaccharides burn extremely slow and have a therapeutic effect on the body.

Research shows that foods like Maitake which contain an abundant amount of polysaccharides have tremendous benefits on colon health (7).

Also, just like most medicinal mushrooms, Maitake is excellent for combating and preventing various cancers in the body (8).

If you are able to get Maitake fresh, place it in the sun for a few hours with the gills facing down.  Researchers have found that this can actually increase the vitamin D content found within the mushroom and sometimes reach levels of upwards to 40,000 IU!

4. Turkey Tail

Paul Stamets, a leading mycologist, was said to have helped his mom heal her cancer through use of high doses of Turkey Tail mushroom in combination with various cancer treatments. The power of this medicinal mushroom has not yet fully been understood but there is promising research showing that this mushroom is extremely beneficial for various diseases in the body.

turkey tail health benefits

One study found that turkey tail showed promising results in women who were experiencing immune defects due to chemotherapy and radiotherapy (9).

Furthermore, Global Advances in Health and Medicine documented an 83 year old woman who was diagnosed with advanced metastatic inflammatory breast cancer.  The patient was able to put the cancer into remission with the use of turkey tail mushroom, standard chemo-therapy treatments, and various cancer drugs (10).

5. Cordyceps

Must likely the weirdest mushroom on this list, Cordyceps is excellent for anyone looking to increase their athletic performance. Unlike most mushrooms which grow on dead logs, Cordyceps grows on the body of dead insects. In regions such as Tibet, Cordyceps mushroom can sell for extremly high prices due to both its rarity and extreme potency.

This mushroom was made famous in 1993 when three Chinese Olympic team runners broke 5 world records after incorporating Cordyceps into their nutrition regime.  Now, millions of athletes all over the world use Cordyceps mushroom to enhance their athletic abilities.

Research published in Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that older patients who were treated with a Cordyceps extract increased aerobic performance and naturally reduced fatigue levels in the body (11).

It’s for this reason that Cordyceps is often given to patients who are experiencing low energy levels and overall malaise in the body. 

Interestingly, this mushroom has been shown to be extremely beneficial for those suffering from allergies and reduces asthma symptoms significantly while improving overall quality of life (12).

 6. Poria Cocos

Although not well known, Poria Cocos is an amazing mushroom that contains several different properties which can help improve the health of the body.  In traditional Chinese Medicine, this mushroom is often prescribed to patients with “Damp” conditions. 

It’s believed that this mushroom is extremely drying to the intestines and helps alleviate various stomach conditions such as diarrhea and SIBO. Typically, this mushroom is taken with other Chinese herbals in order to bring the body back into balance. 

It’s excellent for those looking for protection against various forms of cancer.  A study published in the International Journal of Oncology showed that poria cocos can suppress the growth and strength of pancreatic cancer cells (13).

Poria cocos is also an excellent source of triterpenes, polysaccharides, amino acids, and choline which help bring nutrition to the body while also acting as a powerful anti-inflammatory (14).

7. Shiitake

Similar to Maitake in regards to its actions on the body, Shiitake can help complement a healthy whole foods diet. It’s believed that the Chinese were the first to utilize Shiitake for both nutrition and healing.  However, it has been well documented that various cultures all over the world have utilized this mushroom for its amazing regenerative properties which it has on the body.

shiitake health benefits

Recent research has shown that eating Shiitake mushroom for 4 weeks improves gut immunity and lowers inflammation in the body (15).  As a result, those new to Shiitake mushroom can expect almost immediate health benefits after only a month of use.

Also, although not well known, Shiitake mushroom is excellent for preventing dental caries due to its high levels on antimicrobial properties; and unlike antibiotics, Shiitake does not negatively alter the oral micro-flora (16).

8. Lions Mane

By far the most important mushroom when it comes to preventing degenerative disease such as Alzhiemer’s and Dementia.   This mushroom has the ability to regrow brain cells and improve cognitive function tremendously.

A recent study showed that Lions Mane promotes the growth of neurons and is excellent at maintaining the output of the central nervous system (17).

Furthermore, Research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that Lions Mane mushroom displayed neuroprotective properties and showed promising results in preventing and treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s (18).

It’s for this reason that many will take Lions Mane in order to increase brain activity and to promote intelligence.  In fact, those into “smart drugs” or nootropics, should consider taking Lions Mane daily for enhanced brain function.

9. Agarikon

Agarikon is a large woody fungus that grows primarily on decaying logs.  When growing in the wild, this medicinal mushroom can easily be mistaken for a bee hive due to its cone shape structure.  Agarikon has been used for centuries by ancient civilization in order to treat inflammatory conditions in the body, and to combat bacterial and viral infections.

Research published in Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal found that Agarikon can help protect against cancer and positively impacts natural killer cells, macrophages, and T cells which can provide a protective effect against chemotherapy (19).

Furthermore, other research suggests that Agarikon has beneficial effects on a wide range of disease such as cancer, infection, allergies, asthma, and inflammation.  It also could be an excellent option for those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (20).

Overall, this mushroom can be an excellent option for anyone suffering from inflammatory disorders caused by the aging process.

10. Birch Polypore

Birch polypore is native the Northern parts of the world and grows primarily on Birch trees.  It was thought that ancient peoples used this mushroom for tinder, as well as medicine.  Like most medicinal mushrooms, Birch Polypore is excellent at modulating the immune system in a positive manner.  It also contains several anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties which make it great for treating various disease and sickness in the body.

Research published in the World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology demonstrated that Birch Polypore mushroom has potent anti-fungal activity in the body and helps control various pathogenic yeasts such as candida (21).

Interestingly, it was discovered that Otzi, the Ice Man who lived almost 5300 years ago, was found carrying birch polypore mushroom (22).  This goes to show just how long man has been incorporating fungus into the diet and its role that it’s had in the development of our immune system.

This medicinal mushroom has also been studied extensively in its ability to fight off various forms of cancer in the body (23).


Medicinal mushrooms are excellent at protecting the body from various forms of degenerative disease.  As illustrated above, these mushrooms have been used for centuries and have an extremely long track record of being both effective and safe when used long term.

All around the world medicinal mushrooms have been incorporated into the diet of ancient people in order to enhance quality of life and promote longevity.  Although each of these mushrooms listed above could be taken separately, there are products such as Paul Stamets MyCommunity which contain every mushroom on this list and more.  This product is excellent for anyone looking to get the benefits of all the medicinal mushrooms above in an easy to take capsule.