Protect Your Immune System and Fight Viral Infections With Reishi Mushroom

As we age, our immune system begins to decline and we become more  susceptible to various forms of disease and infection.  Inflammation and chronic pain are typically the two biggest culprits of the aging process.  Unfortunately, many are living day to day with inflamed joints or some sort of chronic pain.

Fortunately, Reishi has been used for centuries just for these very same aliments.

Reishi Mushroom Reduces Inflammation and is a Powerful Antioxidant

immune system

Recent studies have shown that Reishi Mushroom is an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory.  The study found that administration of Reishi extract significantly decreased the plasma level of inflammatory mediators in mice (1).

Unfortunately, science is just beginning to discover what Traditional Chinese Herbalist knew for years; Reishi is a powerful herb!

In addition, Reishi is also well known for being a powerful antioxidant and protects against free radical damage.

For example, scientist have discovered that Reishi Mushroom is rich in a particular class of compounds called triterpenes.  These triterpenes are what give Reishi its bitter taste and are responsible for its cholesterol lowering and antioxidant effects (2).


Reishi Balances The Immune System

Reishi Mushroom is a potent immune system equalizer.  Certain immune disorders cause the immune system to over react or under react.  Reishi helps by raising, or lowering, the immune system to where it needs to  be (3).  It does this by aiding in the production of the bodies own immune system cells.  By doing this, the body is able to expel of foreign invaders which in return shuts down the inflammatory pathway.

Also, due to its potent immune modulating properties, Reishi is great for those looking to protect themselves against the flu or the common cold.

Modern day pollution such as radiation, gmo food, pesticides, jet smoke, and electromagnetic fields all wreak havoc on the bodies immune system.  As a result, Reishi should be  a staple in anyone’s diet wishing to protect themselves from these modern day pollutants.


Reishi Contains potent Anti-Viral and Antimicrobial Properties

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As well as being great for the immune system, Reishi also contains powerful anti-viral and antimicrobial agents.  In fact, mushrooms, such as Reishi, are one of the richest sources of natural antibiotics (5).  Fortunately, Reishi works with the body and enhances life if taken long term, while conventional antibiotics will diminish health if taken long term.

Furthermore, scientist have found that Reishi stimulates the bodies production of Natural Killer (NK) cells.  These cells are a class of lymphocytes.  Lymphocytes are located in the bodies lymphatic system and they respond rapidly to infections, viruses, or bacteria, by killing the infected cells (6).


Reishi Mushroom and Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders have been rising over the years at an alarming rate.  Diabetes, Celiac disease and food allergies are all symptoms of an autoimmune disorder.

Reishi has shown promising results offering autoimmune relief to those suffering.  Scientist have been studying the the immune modulating effects of reishi for years and have agreed that Reishi is a viable option for those with autoimmune type conditions (7).

Modern Science Confirms What Chinese Herbalist Knew for Centuries

Time and time again we see science finally confirm what ancient herbalist knew for centuries about Reishi.

With all that said, Reishi should be a no brainier for anyone looking to live longer and achieve better health.