Chinese Medicine for Stress Reduction | Strategies that Work

Stress is the number culprit when it comes to dysfunction and imbalances in the body.  If not handled, chronic stress can lead to severe emotional and physical imbalances that can affect various organs throughout the body.

Luckily, Traditional Chinese Medicine has discovered various strategies and secrets in order to naturally combat stress levels in the body.  These practices have been used for centuries and have a proven track record of being both safe and effective.  Simply incorporating just on the following techniques below can cause dramatic improvements in an individual’s overall quality of health.

However, before we get into these stress busting techniques, let’s first discuss how it contributes to disease and disorder in the human body.

How Stress Influences Disease

There’s a reason stress is often referred to as the “silent killer.”  Ever wonder how some individuals can live such unhealthy lifestyles yet still outlive many of their counterparts?  If you were to look at these individuals stress levels, chances are they would be extremely controlled and low.  Although, diet and lifestyle play an incredible role enhancing in one’s longevity, a person’s thoughts, belief’s, and ability to handle stress plays an even more important role.

Science has shown that chronic stress can lead to elevated levels of cortisol levels in the body (1).  Cortisol is a stress hormone that the body produces whenever a person begins to view a situation as “Stressful” or “Dangerous.”  This is often referred to as the “flight or fight” response in psychology and is what has helped us stay alive during real threats.  However, when this flight or fight system becomes overworked, serious health implications begin to arise.

In fact, researchers have found that high levels of circulating cortisol levels in the blood are linked to obesity and metabolic disorders such as diabetes (2).  This is because cortisol negatively affects an individual’s metabolic function and signals to the body to store fat.  Again, this is a built in safety mechanism so that the body can survive during real dangers such as famine and food scarcity.

Furthermore, Research published in Thyroid Research found that those suffering from hypothyroidism have elevated levels of cortisol in the body (3).  Sadly, thyroid disorders are becoming more and more common throughout the general population and this disorder is severely affecting the general well being of millions.

It’s for this reason that controlling one’s emotions is absolutely mandatory in order for good health.  Fortunately, following the techniques below can have extreme benefit for anyone under immense amounts of stress and elevated cortisol levels in the body.

Chinese Medicine for Stress Reduction

1. Correct Metabolic Function

One of the biggest problems individuals unknowingly face when dealing with high stress levels in the body is poor metabolic function and a dysfunctional microbiome.  More and more science is beginning to confirm that what an individual eats can have an enormous impact on health and well-being.

In fact, research shows that those suffering from intestinal permeability are more likely to suffer from various disorders such as stress, anxiety, and depression (4).  Poor diet, stress, and overuse of antibiotics can all contribute to intestinal permeability and altered gut function.

It’s for this reason that Chinese Medicine always recommends eating a whole foods diet which is balanced with the seasons. Below is a small least of foods that can help correct metabolic function and improve intestinal permeability.

  • Grass fed meats
  • Steamed Vegetables
  • Bone Broths / Soups
  • Fermented Vegetables
  • Bitter Herbs
  • Animal organs
  • Sourdough Breads / Acid Porridges

This a small list of Jing building foods which can help restore the health and integrity of the gut.  Following a correct diet is absolutely mandatory for anyone looking to reduce stress levels in the body naturally.  It’s important to remember that mental, physical, and metabolic stress can all contribute to high cortisol levels in the body.

2. Exercise Daily

Exercise is huge for anyone dealing with excessive amounts of stress in their lives.  However, it’s important that you choose the right types of exercise.  Much of the exercise recommended to the general population actually adds to stress levels in the body.  The body recognizes this type of exercise as a form of stress and can actually lead to nervous system dysfunction.

Instead, focus on “movement.”  Chinese Medicine never recommended strenuous exercise to those dealing stress imbalances.   Natural movements require the body to be mindful and are extremely soothing to the nervous system.

exercise stress

Walking, qigong, martial arts, and deep breathing are some of the most therapeutic movements for the nervous system and can naturally reduce stress levels in the body.  In fact, Chinese Medicine recommends qigong for anyone trying to improve health, reduce stress, and balance the body.

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to read our post on how popular forms of exercise are actually causing overtraining in the body and decreasing overall health and longevity.

3. Take Adaptogens

One of the simplest strategies one can incorporate into their stress reduction program is to take herbal adaptogens.  Herbal adaptogens help the body cope with stress more effectively and protects against the damages it can cause on the body.

For centuries Traditional Chinese Medicine has used adaptogens in order to bring light and balance into the body.  The best adaptogen for those under high amounts of stress is Reishi Mushroom.  Reishi is considered the number one herb in all of Chinese Medicine and is used extensively for many aliments in the body.

Traditionally, this medicinal mushroom was used to combat aging, restore the kidneys, build the blood, correct immune system dysfunction, and enhance overall well-being.  Its ability to combat stress in the body is unsurpassed.

In fact, research has shown that Reishi mushroom improves total time spent sleeping and significantly increases deep sleep (5).  It’s for this reason that many find taking Reishi mushroom before bed helps improve sleep dramatically.

Lastly, as an added benefit, you also get the protective cancer fighting properties that is contained within Reishi mushroom (6).

We personally like Host Defense Reishi mushroom since it’s of the utmost quality and extremely potent.  It’s by far the most pure and potent Reishi mushroom available.

4. Meditate Daily

Meditating is an absolute must for anyone wishing to reduce their stress levels.  Traditional Chinese Medicine believed that daily mediation was essential for anyone looking to improve health and is a natural promoter of longevity.

However, how long and where you choose to meditate is important if you wish to get the benefits of this simple, yet effective tool.  This means avoiding areas with high amounts of traffic and noise and preferable secluding oneself in nature.  We resonate perfectly with natures natural frequencies and submerging yourself daily in a dense forest is an excellent way to meditate.

stress meditation

During this time, focus on breathing, ensuring you get enough air into your lungs and stomach.  Chronic stress naturally causes ones breath to become shallow and this negatively affects health.  Also, if possible, shut off all electronic devices during this time period in order to avoid being distracted.  Furthermore, this will give you chance to get away from the constant Wi-Fi and cell phone signals that interfere with our natural frequency.

5. Stop Reacting

A common problem among high stressed individuals is their habit of constantly reacting to negative situations that may arise.  Instead of keeping calm and accessing the situation, these individuals typically react with stressed filled energy and negativity almost immediately.

When this occurs, stress hormones such as cortisol naturally rise and hormone disruption is inevitable if this type of reaction becomes normal.   Learning to control ones emotions is crucial if you wish to overcome chronically elevated stress levels in the body.  Diet, adaptogens, exercise, and meditation can all help lower stress levels significantly; however, there is still some will power that must be exercised when faced with negative situations in life.

With that being said, following these techniques and principles is the quickest and most natural way to reduce stress levels in the body and become overall healthier and happier.