Reishi Mushroom for Candida and SIBO | Amazing Reishi

Millions of Americans each year are plagued with poor digestion due to pathogenic overgrowths such as Candida.  This fungus typically isn’t a problem for healthy individuals with a robust microbiome, but those suffering from a small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) usually struggle with Candida overgrowth.

Processed foods, sugar, overuse of antibiotics, and lack of fat soluble vitamins are the biggest reasons for candida overgrowth and digestive disorders such as SIBO.  In fact, many can suffer years with an overgrowth of Candida without even knowing.  This is because the symptoms of Candida overgrowth are vastly different among individuals.

For example, it’s been shown that those suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) almost always suffer from an overgrowth of Candida species in the gut (1).

Fortunately, with proper diet and the right herbs, candida and SIBO can be easily reversed in time.  However, it’s important to keep in mind that results will not happen overnight and discipline is needed in order to achieve the best possible results.

What are Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth?

There are several symptoms that can manifest when the body is dealing with a candida overgrowth in the body.  As mentioned before, many of these symptoms differ from individual to individual.  However, there seems to be a few commonalities that seem to appear frequently.

Frequent Constipation and/or Diarrhea
Bloating after Eating
Craving for Sugar
White Tongue
Histamine Intolerance
Chronic Fatigue
Rashes after Eating
Multiple Food Allergies
Skin Breakouts
Mineral Deficiencies

Although this is just a small list, many who have a true overgrowth of Candida in the body will experience at least one these symptoms.  If you think you may be suffering from an overgrowth, it may be time to adjust the diet.

The Best Diet for Candida

Following the standard American diet (SAD) is one of the worst things you can do if you suspect you are dealing with a candida overgrowth.  This diet is full of inflammatory foods, processed foods, high amounts sugar, and lack in important fat soluble vitamins. 

This causes extreme distress on both the digestive system and immune system and can contribute to several disorders in the body.

In fact, it’s been shown that the majority of our immune system is highly dependent on the health and integrity of our gut (2).  Those with poor gut health will not have a strong enough immune system to fight of various bacteria, viruses, and fungus such as candida.

Furthermore, research has revealed that dietary emulsifiers that are present in almost all processed foods contribute to chronic inflammatory disease in the body and increase the incidence of developing obesity and metabolic disorder such as diabetes (3).

Taking out the inflammatory foods from the diet and incorporating more gut healing foods is absolutely mandatory for anyone dealing with a candida overgrowth.  This means removing all packaged foods and sugar from diet. Also, foods such as wheat, nuts, and seeds should either be removed completely, or consumed in minuscule amounts.  These foods contain an anti-nutrient called phytic acid which actually has been shown to increase intestinal inflammation and bind to key minerals in the gut (4).

Instead, diet should be centered on high quality organic animal foods such as grass-fed beef, wild caught fish, high quality poultry, and pastured eggs.  These foods contain the necessary amino acids needed in order to promote regeneration and repair in the gut and promote a healthy microbiome (5).  If possible, high quality organ meats should be incorporated once a week since these foods contains extremely important fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin D and K2.

diet for candida

Dark leafy greens should also be incorporated liberally as these foods contain important prebiotics which feed the good bacteria in the intestines, while starving candida species (6).

For more information on traditional diets and their ability to promote health and longevity, be sure to visit The Weston A. Price Foundation.

How Reishi Mushroom Stops Candida

Once a proper diet is put into place, various superherbs such as Reishi mushroom can be used in order to inhibit the growth of candida species in the gut.  This medicinal mushroom has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine and its ability to bring balance to the body is unsurpassed.

In fact, this mushroom was once referred to as the “The Mushroom of Immortality” and was reserved for royalty only.  It’s been well documented that Reishi contains anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and immune modulating properties.

Researchers have found that Gandoerma Lucidum (Reishi) inhibits the formation of candida biofilms in the body (7).  These biofilms are what candida will use in order to protect itself from various outside attacks such as antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs.

reishi mushroom candida

As well as being a potent candida fighter, Reishi also helps improve conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, which is common in those with a candida overgrowth.  Reishi contains long chain sugars called polysaccharides which have been shown to significantly improve the symptoms in those suffering from IBD (8).

Although Reishi was traditionally consumed in tea form, there are various extracts such as Host Defense Reishi that are just as potent.  Out of all of the Reishi products on the market, Host Defense has the best quality and uses special strains of Reishi that Chinese Medicine considered to be the best.


Gut dysfunction and disorders such as candida overgrowth and SIBO is a serious problem among the general population.  Due to the complexity of the problem and the various symptoms which can arise when there is a candida overgrowth, many are unaware that they are suffering from this condition.

Switching to a more traditional diet and removing inflammatory foods is the first step in improving gut function and ridding the body of candida.  Also, medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi are extremely beneficial for inhibiting the biofilms of candida and removing it from the body.

We personally recommend Host Defense for all your medicinal mushroom needs due to their integrity and overall quality.  When compared to any other medicinal mushroom producer on the market, none can quite stack up to the overall quality Host Defenses mushroom products.