Chinese Medicine for Weight Loss | Solutions that actually Work

When it comes to weight loss, Chinese Medicine has a lot to say on the subject.  Typically, rapid weight gain is a sign of gluttony, or eating passed ones limit.  Centuries ago this was a rarity, and only rulers were given the privilege in partaking in gluttonous eating.  However, thanks to modern agriculture and importation, everyone can eat like a king.  For these types of people, following a correct diet full of nutritious foods that will keep the body full is the best solution.

With that being said, there are also some individuals who eat like birds yet still can’t lose weight.  This is mainly due to a hormonal issue in the body such as hypothyroid.  Also, parasites and gut dsybosis can also contribute to the inability to lose weight due to the negative effect both have on the microbiome.

As a result, there are two main factors that contribute the inability to lose weight:

  • Overeating
  • Hormonal / Gut Dysfunction

By following the advice below, both issues can be corrected and the ability to lose weight will dramatically increase.

Foods that Contribute to Weight Gain

Chinese Medicine has a list of foods that should be avoided that can contribute to weight gain and cause hormonal disruption in the body.  The following is a list of foods that should be avoided per Chinese Medicines recommendation:

  • Processed Foods
  • White Sugar
  • Non-Organic Foods
  • Out of Season Foods
  • Bananas and Avocados
  • Raw Food
  • Dairy
  • Wheat
  • Alcohol / Coffee
  • Peanuts

sugar weight gain

Many of these foods on this list can contribute to excessive amounts of dampness in the body.  When the body becomes overly dampened, it loses its ability to remove excess moisture from the body.  When this occurs, metabolism becomes down regulated and weight loss becomes impossible.  In this case, weight gain naturally occurs despite how little you may eat.  Be sure to read our previous post on Dampness, what science has revealed about this condition, and solutions for reversing it.

Consequently, you will want to avoid these foods at all costs if you are struggling with weight loss.  Once these foods are removed from the diet, the body will be in a better position to lose the extra weight.

Wheat, Processed Foods and Sugar

We like to call these “The Big 3.”  These three foods are the biggest culprits of weight gain and hormonal dysfunction in the body.  Unfortunately, these ingredients are literally in almost every single packaged food item you will find in the grocery store.

Wheat contains several anti-nutrients, mostly phytic acid, and is extremely harsh on the intestines.  A study revealed that intake of high phytate foods, wheat in particular, contributed to intestinal permeability and intestinal inflammation (1).  This increased intestinal permeability has been proven to contribute to metabolic disorders and plays a significant role in the development of obesity (2).

wheat gut inflammation

Furthermore, processed foods, such as foods that come prepackaged, contain high amounts of harmful ingredients that can negatively alter the gut microbiome.  In particular, many processed foods contain dietary emulsifiers which negatively influence changes in the gut microbiome.  Research has shown that dietary emulsifiers found in processed foods induce metabolic syndrome, obesity, and chronic inflammation in mice (3).

Lastly, sugars such as white sugar and sugary fruit should be avoided all together.  Sugar has an extreme negative effect on the body and cannot be part of a healthy human diet.  Diets that are high in excessive amounts of sugar naturally promote inflammation in the body (4).  This inflammation is typically not limited to any one area of the body and can dramatically slow down the body’s ability to lose weight.  Also, although fruit differs from refined white sugar as it contains “fructose,” fruits should still be limited and preferable only eaten in season.

 Restoring Digestive Fire and Weight Loss

Those who overeat and those who suffer from hormonal problems almost always have low stomach acid levels.  Eating too much food naturally smothers the digestive juices and can lead to low stomach acid levels in the body.  Also, those suffering from hormonal issues typically do not produce enough stomach acid to begin with (5).

It was for this reason that Chinese Medicine always recommends to eat food that is hot.  The Chinese believed that raw foods dampened the digestive fire and forced the body to work harder in order to break down the food.  It’s for this reason that raw food diets are not recommended by Chinese Medicine.  However, when food is heated and served hot, the stomach is not forced to heat the food and the digestive fire remains strong.  This also leads to easier assimilation of the food.

digestive fire

Luckily, there are several ways to increase stomach acid, or digestive fire, naturally.  The easiest way to build up stomach acid levels is to consume either ginger tea or reishi mushroom tea with meals.  Both these herbs are extremely bitter which stimulates the vagus nerve.  This in return signals to the stomach to produce more stomach acid (6).

Another simple way to increase stomach acid levels in the body is salt your food to taste.  Salt contains chloride which is necessary in order to form stomach acid.  It’s for this reason that many will find that high salt diets naturally increases their appetite.  However, make sure you use a high quality sea salt and avoid table salt at all costs!

Eat a Traditional Diet

Many who overeat do so because there body is craving essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are not being obtained from the standard American diet (SAD).  For example, a 2,000 calorie diet based on traditional foods may contain more vitamins and minerals than a standard American diet consisting of 4,000 calories.

Also, many traditional foods are extremely healing to the gut and can effectively combat intestinal inflammation.  Below is a small list of the top traditional foods for weight loss.

  • Grass fed meat
  • Grass fed organs
  • Sourdough breads / Acid porridge
  • Pastured eggs
  • Fermented vegetables
  • Seasonal Fruits
  • Herbs and Spices (turmeric, ginger, rosemary, nutmeg, cinnamon)
  • Soups and Bone Broths

fermented foods weight loss

Constructing a diet based around these foods will leave the body full and satisfied.  All of the foods listed are extremely gut healing, especially bone broths due to its favorable amino acid profile (7).   Aim to consume bone broths/soups at least twice a week.  This will give the body the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs and will make losing weight much easier.

Also, don’t be afraid to spice up your food as many of the spices listed above have anti-parasitic and anti-fungal properties.  Many fungal overgrowths such as candida can impair gut function which results in poor assimilation of vitamins and minerals.  This too can result in impaired ability to lose weight.

For more information on traditional diets and the best foods for overall health and weight loss, be sure to visit The Weston A. Price Foundation


Chinese Medicine has various strategies which can be used in order to enhance the body’s ability to lose weight.  Ensuring that you are eating a whole foods diet which is free of processed foods and sugar is vital if you wish to lose weight.  Also, restoring digestive fire is essential for anyone not only looking to lose weight, but achieve optimal health as well.

Incorporating more traditional foods into the diet is excellent for inducing satiation and fullness in the body.  As a result, less overall calories will be consumed while an abundance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids will be taken in.  Lastly, don’t be afraid to consume more bitter herbs as these will naturally stimulate the production of stomach acid in the body and keep the digestive fire strong.