The Top 10 Herbs in Chinese Medicine | Amazing Reishi

When it comes to medicinal herbs, Traditional Chinese medicine has a lot to say about the subject.  In fact, medicinal herbs have been used for centuries in the Chinese Medicine system for various health aliments that plague the body.

Interestingly, despite being centuries old, Chinese Medicine has proven to be extremely successful in treating aliments where modern medicine has failed.  The herbs used in the Chinese Medicine system of healing have a proven track record of being both safe and effective.  Also, unlike modern medicine which can have dangerous side effects, Chinese medicinal herbs are extremely gentle on the body and work intelligently with each person’s individual chemistry.

Below you will find the top 10 medicinal herbs used in Chinese Medicine.

  1. Reishi Mushroom- #1 in Chinese Medicine

Also known as “The Mushroom of Immortality,” Reishi mushroom is considered to be the number one healing herb in all of Chinese Medicine.  This is because Reishi helps nourishes all three treasures; Shen, Qi, and Jing, and has potent immune modulating effects in the body.

Traditionally, this mushroom was prescribed to the elderly in order to enhance longevity and build the blood.  However, both those of young and old can enjoy the health benefits of Reishi mushroom.

Research published in Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects found that Reishi effectively modulates the host’s immune system and protects against various forms of cancer while protecting immune cells from oxidative damage (1).

reishi chinese medicine

Furthermore, Reishi is excellent for kidneys and is often prescribed to patients who have weak kidneys and low Jing.  In fact, it can be observed that this mushroom grows in the shape of a human kidney; perhaps signifying its actions in the human body.

Also, due to its adaptogenic properties, Reishi is excellent at protecting the body against the negative effects of stress and naturally promotes a sense of calmness in the body. 

  1. Ginseng – The 2nd Most Important in Chinese Medicine

Even those not familiar with Chinese Medicine have most likely heard of Ginseng.   This powerful adaptogen is often prescribed to those who are experiencing extreme fatigue, or under immense amounts of stress.

This powerful adaptogen naturally energizes and revitalizes the body.  The energizing effects of ginseng are unlike coffee and do not cause the negative caffeine crash.  Typically, this herb is prescribed to middle aged individuals who feel they have lost a step or two from their youth.  In fact, Qigong masters who live extremely long lives are famous for consuming Ginseng daily.

ginseng adaptogen

Science believes that the ginsenosides contained within ginseng are what gives Ginseng its beneficial effects on the body. It’s been shown that Ginseng can defend against pro-inflammatory cytokines, prevent anxiety and depression, and promotes cellular regeneration and repair (2).

 Taking Reishi and Ginseng together is said to dramatically slow down the aging process and protects against various degenerative disease in the body.  However, due to demand, quality Ginseng can be hard to come by.  It’s for this reason that you must always buy from a reputable supplier in order to avoid fakes and low quality roots.

  1. Schisandra Berry

Often referred to as “The Five Flavor Berry,” this small fruit contains all five flavors; sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and pungent.  This berry is amazing at naturally beautifying the body from the inside out.  In fact, many women of ancient China would frequently consume this berry due to its ability to beautify the skin.

Those suffering from adrenal fatigue can also benefit from this amazing berry.  Its ability to combat stress in the body is unsurpassed when compared to any other herb in Chinese medicine.

schissandra adaptogen

Also, Schisandra berry naturally increases glutathione levels in the body.  Research shows that glutathione has powerful anti-aging effects in the body and naturally promotes radiant skin (3).

Furthermore, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Schisandra is excellent for anyone dealing with chronic inflammatory conditions in the body.  Schisandra has also been shown to protect the liver and nervous system, improves mental and physical health, and is a powerful anti-diabetic (4).

Traditional Chinese Medicine considers Schisandra to a tonic herb and can safely be taken daily.  However, in order to not build up a tolerance to the effects of Schisandra, following a schedule of 5 days on and 2 days off can be beneficial.

  1. Astragalus

Science has confirmed that the Astragalosides found within Astragalus can literally make you younger!  Research published found that Astragalosides delayed senility in aging rats and prevents decline in motor response and memory (5).

Traditional Chinese Medicine often prescribed Astragalus to patients experiencing immune system dysfunction.  This is because Astragalus has powerful immune modulating properties and which can help correct auto-immune conditions in the body.

astragalus immune system

Also, the flavonoids present in Astragalus have powerful anti-tumor effects due to its ability to inhibit the proliferation and metastasis of tumor cells in the body.

Traditionally, Astragalus was consumed in tea form daily in order to reap the health benefits of this amazing adaptogen.  However, there are various powdered extracts on the market that are just as effective and a lot more convenient than brewing tea every day.

  1. Goji Berry

Goji berry is an amazing small red fruit that has been used extensively in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  In fact, due to its ability to harmonize with various other herbs, Goji Berries are frequently incorporated into many Chinese formulas.

Just like Reishi and Ginseng, Goji Berry naturally promotes longevity in the body.  It’s for this reason that Chinese Medicine recommends older individuals to drink at least one cup of Goji Berry tea each day.  Also, Goji Berries are said to be extremely beneficial for the eyes and is often prescribed to those experiencing poor eyesight.

goji berry eye health

Research has shown that consuming Goji Berry daily increases zeaxanthin and antioxidant levels while protecting against degeneration of the eyes (6).

As well as being great for the eyes, Goji Berries are excellent for increasing feelings of general well-being, improves neurological performance, and improves gastrointestinal functions (7).

However, since Goji Berries are part of the nightshade family, it’s not recommended you consume them raw.  Rather, a tea or extract should be consumed in order to prevent any allergic reactions that may occur from consuming this super fruit in its raw state.

  1. He Shou Wu

Also commonly called Fo Ti, He Shou Wu has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese Medicine for various blood disorders in the body.  He Shou Wu translates to “Mr. He’s Black Hair.”  Legend has it that a man named Mr. He who was prematurely aging consumed He Shou Wu and began to see amazing changes in his body.  It’s said that his hair turned back to its original color and that his vigor was restored.  It was reported that Mr. He went on to have 22 wives and lived an extremely long and healthy life.

fo ti chinese medicine

Whether you believe this story or not is entirely up to you, however, there is no denying the health benefits that He Shou Wu can offer to the body.   Research indicates that He Shou Wu has strong anti-inflammatory properties and naturally promotes the formation of Super Oxide-Dismutase in the body (8). SOD is an antioxidant that body creates in order to protect itself from age related diseases.

Traditionally, this herb was only consumed after stewing in a black bean sauce for several hours.  This is often referred to as “Prepared Fo-Ti.”  White Fo ti, or unprepared, was said to have a laxative effect in the body and is considered toxic by Chinese Medicine standards.  It’s for this reason that you always want to purchase “prepared” He Shou Wu.

  1. Licorice Root

Licorice root is a sweet tasting herb that offers immense health benefits.  This herb is 50x sweeter than sugar, but does not cause unwanted blood sugar spikes.  Licorice root is excellent for anyone dealing with high amounts of stress or fatigue.  Many Chinese Medicine practitioners prescribe this herb primarily to those dealing with adrenal dysfunctions.

Its ability to reduce stress is amazing and is extremely beneficial for those suffering from nervous conditions.  Furthermore, licorice contains an abundance of prebiotics which can feed the good bacteria in the gut and essentially correct imbalances within microbiome.

licorice root adaptogen

Also, those suffering from inflammatory conditions may find relief by taking licorice root daily.  A study published in Pharmaceutical Biology found that licorice contains several anti-inflammatory compounds and protects the body against oxidative stress (9).

With that said, it’s important that you choose a Chinese licorice root (glycyrrhiza uralensis) and not an American licorice root.  American licorice root tends to be over-stimulating which can be problematic in individuals dealing with high amounts of stress.  However, Chinese licorice root on the other hand is extremely calming.

  1. Ginger

Ginger is an amazing spice that has a long history in Asian culture.  This rhizome has been utilized for centuries in Chinese Medicine in order to regulate digestion and improve inflammatory conditions.  Those dealing with low stomach acid should consider adding ginger into their diet.  Ginger naturally stimulates the vagus nerve which causes the stomach to produce more stomach acid.

This amazing herb is also great for treating parasitic infections in the body.  Research published in International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine found that a ginger extract induced death of Trichomonas (sexual transmitted disease) without the negative side effects that are common in pharmaceutical drugs (10).

ginger digestion

Furthermore, research has also shown that ginger contains anticancer properties such as gingerols, shogaol, and paradols, which can prevent various types of cancer in the body (11).

Adding ginger to your food is the best way to consume this amazing herb.  You can also drink a warm cup of ginger tea with meals in order to facilitate digestion.

  1. Pine Pollen

Pine pollen is an extremely valuable superfood and can do wonders for the aging male.  It’s been shown that pine pollen contains bio-identical testosterone similar to human testosterone.   It’s for this reason that aging males experiencing a decline in testosterone can benefit immensely by taking pine pollen daily.

pine pollen testosterone

Pine pollen also contains powerful anti-aging agents which make it perfect for longevity.  Research published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity showed that pine pollen can effectively delay the aging process by exerting a positive effect on human cells (12).

Also, due to its ability to naturally raise testosterone levels in the body, pine pollen is great for anyone dealing with estrogen dominance.   In combination with good diet, pine pollen can do wonders for anyone looking to boost their male hormones naturally and prevent the aging process.

  1. Cinnamon

Everyone knows about cinnamon, but very few are aware of the health benefits this spice offers to the body.  In particular, cinnamon is excellent at regulating blood sugar and is a great option for anyone suffering from diabetes or prediabetes (13).

cinnamon blood sugar
As well as being great for controlling blood sugar, cinnamon contains powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic properties.  Research published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine proved that cinnamon protects against cancer, inflammation, and neurological disorders and has powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties (14).

This spice can be enjoyed in both your cooking, as well as your favorite hot beverages. However, due to its powerful phytochemicals, only a small amount of cinnamon is needed in order to reap its health benefits.