The Best Chinese Herbs for Adrenal Fatigue | Amazing Reishi

Stress and the adrenal glands often go hand and hand.   Those under high amounts of stress often suffer from conditions such as adrenal fatigue and dysfunction.  When the Adrenals are fatigued or overworked, hormone production in the body naturally gets down regulated.  This is because the adrenal glands are responsible for the production of several key hormones which are essential for good health.

Typically, adrenal type disorders take several months, or even years to develop.  Many don’t pay attention to the signs or symptoms until it’s too late.  As a result, reversing adrenal fatigue can be a long process which requires extreme amounts of patience.

Luckily, there are several adaptogenic herbs which can help speed up this process of recovery.  These adaptogens have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese Medicine for various stress related disease and disorder in the body.

However, before we get into these amazing adaptogens, let’s first talk about what the adrenal glands are and their function in the human body.

What are the Adrenal Glands?

The adrenal glands are two small organs that sit on top of each kidney.  Their primary function in the body is to produce stress hormones that can help the body react to various stressors such illness, injury, or dangerous situations.  The adrenal glands are major part of the body’s endocrine system and are crucial for survival.  However, due to fast paced lifestyles and chronic stress, the adrenals are working harder than ever before in human history.

With that said, although the adrenals produce several stress hormones, research has shown that cortisol in particular is the number one stress hormone when it comes to dysfunction in the body.  Those with adrenal fatigue typically have elevated cortisol levels in the body due to the overproduction by the adrenal glands.

Research published in Psychiatry Research found that individuals with mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety, have higher levels of cortisol in the body than those who don’t have a mental disorder (1).  In fact, one of the most common symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue is both depression and anxiety.

Furthermore, chronically elevated cortisol levels in the body have been linked to an increase in metabolic disorders such as diabetes and an increased risk of developing obesity (2).

Be sure to read our post on stress reduction which talks further about cortisol, its many dangers to the body, and how to lower it naturally.

It should be noted that the stress hormones that the adrenal glands produce, such as cortisol and aldosterone, are needed for survival.  However, when these stress hormones are chronically elevated in the body, health problems begin to arise.

What are the Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

Since the medical establishment does not yet recognize adrenal fatigue as a real illness in the body, finding medical literature on the aliments associated with this dysfunction will be time wasted.  However, below is a small list of symptoms that is often associated with adrenal fatigue.

  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Inability to Handle Stress
  • Lack of Drive/Motivation
  • Low Libido
  • Weight Gain
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Inability to Relax
  • Trouble Falling Asleep
  • Craving for Salt

adrenal fatigue tired

If you suffer from any of the following symptoms and nothing seems to fix them despite your best efforts, there may be a possibility you’re suffering from adrenal dysfunction.

In combination with taking the Chinese herbal stress adaptogens below, following a correct healing diet and using a quality sea salt in all of your cooking is crucial for full recover from this disorder.  Be sure to read our post on how to increase Jing and Kidney function which explains powerful diet strategies that can help restore youth and vitality to the body.

The Best Chinese Herbs for Stress

Reishi Mushroom

If you could only take one herb for adrenal fatigue, Reishi mushroom would be it. This powerful medicinal mushroom literally does it all.  Its health benefits are unsurpassed and incomparable to any other Chinese herb.  It’s for this reason that Chinese medicine prized Reishi mushroom for its ability to bring balance and longevity into the body.

With that said, Reishi is extremely beneficial for those dealing with high amounts of stress.  It can effectively regulate the immune system and help combat several autoimmune conditions in the body (3).   This is important because deregulation of the immune system is a form of stress in the body.  By correcting immune dysfunction you are essentially lowering stress levels in the body.

Many report feelings of intense calmness and balance after consuming Reishi for several days.  It’s for this reason that those suffering from anxiety and depression due to adrenal fatigue may find relief in taking Reishi mushroom daily.  In fact, many find that taking Reishi right before bed helps improve their sleep dramatically and increases their deep sleep (4).

Furthermore, Reishi helps tonify the kidneys and liver which leads to an overall healthier and better functioning body.  It also helps protect the body against various forms of cancer (5).

To put it simply, this medicinal mushroom can do it all.  Interestingly, ancient China often referred to this herb as “The Mushroom of Immortality.”


A great overall herb for increasing Jing and energy in the body, Ginseng does not disappoint. Traditionally, this herb was used for the aging man in order to restore youth and vitality.  However, Chinese Medicine also prescribed it to individuals who were suffering from stress related conditions in the body.

ginseng adrenal fatigue

Ginseng’s ability to combat both physical and mental stress makes it a true adaptogen.  Research published in the Journal of Ginseng Research found that Ginseng provides a potential treatment for patients suffering from HPA-axis disorders due to high cortisol levels and can help combat several stress disorder such as depression and PTSD (6).

Also, due to its ability to rejuvenate and revitalize the body, ancient Chinese martial artists frequently incorporated Ginseng into their daily diet in order to speed up recovery and slow the aging process.

Schisandra Berry

Chinese Medicine often referred to this small red fruit as the “Five Flavor Berry.”  This is because Schisandra encompasses all the flavors that make up the human palate.   For centuries this powerful adaptogen has been used in the body to reduce stress levels and combat nervous conditions.

Russian research confirmed that Schisandra has the ability to increase work capacity and offers protection against environmental, physical, and mental stress (7).

It’s for this reason that Schisandra is one the most recommended adaptogens for those dealing with adrenal fatigue.  Like Reishi, Schisandra also helps with calming the mind and promoting deep relaxation in the body.  Unfortunately, Schisandra berry can be a bit pricey depending on the season and due to the increased demand for this powerful adaptogen.

Licorice Root (glycyrrhiza uralensis)

Chinese licorice is a useful adaptogen for combating stress in the body due to burnt out adrenals.  However, it’s essential that you use a Chinese Licorice root (glycyrrhiza uralensis) and not an American licorice root.  Many find American Licorice root to be over stimulating and counterproductive when trying to manage stress levels.  On the other hand, Chinese Licorice root is extremely calming to the body.

Many find that Licorice root helps fight off unwanted anxiety which is often associated with adrenal dysfunction.   As an added bonus, Licorice has been shown to protect against oxidative stress and liver damage in the body (8).

That being said, everyone should use extreme caution when using Licorice root.  There are several reports of Licorice root lowering potassium levels in the body when used long term.  For this reason, long term use of this herb is not recommended.


Nettles are a wonderful herb with many beneficial properties which help aid the adrenal glands.  Also, their high mineral content make them perfect for overall health.  Nettles tend to be more energizing than sedative but this is mainly due to their high mineral content and phytochemicals.

Drinking a couple cups of nettle leaf tea each day is a great way to ease fatigue caused by adrenal dysfunction.  However, due to their energizing effects on the body, nettles should be taking early morning and not taken at night.  With that being said, nettles can make a great addition to an adrenal building program.

As with any adaptogenic herb, be sure to start with a small dose first in order to gauge how your body will react.  Once comfortable, dosage can be increased or decreased based on how the body feels.